"Journey by Gorimakpa" "Embark on a sonic odyssey with Gorimakpa's latest EP, 'Journey', a 7-track masterpiece that navigates the highs and lows of life's path. This introspective collection of songs chronicles the artist's personal growth, self-discovery, and resilience in the face of adversity.
From the opening notes to the final fade-out, 'Journey' takes listeners on a transformative ride through genres and emotions, showcasing Gorimakpa's versatility and vulnerability. Each track is a milestone on the journey, exploring themes of love, heartbreak, hope, and redemption.
With its cohesive blend of Afrobeat and honest storytelling, 'Journey' is an EP that resonates with anyone who's ever felt lost, found, or still searching. Join Gorimakpa on this aural adventure and discover the beauty in the journey.
1. Gum body 2. Money 3. Fly Away 4. No Mind me 5. Destiny 6. Good Man Love 7. B.T.B
Genre: Afrobeat /pop/R&B Listen to 'Journey' and let the music be your companion on life's journey"